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Колесо заднее Zipp 808 Firecrest Track Tubular 333 24 sp.

Колесо заднее Zipp 808 Firecrest Track Tubular 333 24 sp.

When you consider how close the margin of victory might be in a race that lasts just seconds, it's no wonder that trackies are such a detail-oriented bunch. We're the same here at Zipp, which is why we've put all of our expertise into the 808 Firecrest® Track Tubular. Track racing calls for stiff, responsive, aero wheels that accelerate quickly and maintain velocity. At just 1,805g the 808 Track wheelset is tuned for speed with our pro-proven 82mm Firecrest rim shape for superior aerodynamics, stiffness and stability. But we didn’t stop our innovations at the rim.


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68 250,00 ₽Цена
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